Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Advertising on Uniforms

When it comes to a professional sports team and their jerseys, no one wants a big brand name advertisement on them, but that is exactly what we are begging to see.  The MLS has had to sell into the large brand name on the front of the jersey strictly because the league doesn't make enough money and needs to get income any way possible.  

We see it here with the Seattle Sounder's jersey sporting a giant XBOX 360 Live logo on the front and center with the team logo small and in the upper right corner.  Although this branding idea isn't new in soccer, European Club teams all do the same thing, it isn't common for other, more profitable sports such as the MLB, NBA, and especially the NFL.  

But guess what, the NFL is selling in now too.

Although this is just the practice jersey, it is the start of an epidemic that could be seen in game jerseys any time soon.  For such a profitable business it is sad that they have come to advertising on uniforms just for more money.

Do you agree that the NFL should stop the advertising on uniforms?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

In response to Arthur Brockelman

Arthur brings up a great question about companies advertising on YouTube and the fact that the ads can be skipped.  I strongly believe that this advertising is very beneficial for a company.  Although sometimes when I am on YouTube I will skip the ad because I have no time to waste and have no desire to watch an ad, but regardless I will still see the start of the ad and the name of the company.  Most of the time just seeing the companies name is enough, because you will remember that ad when you watch your video on YouTube because in a way it is a part of the video.

I have caught myself actually watching full 2 minute long ads before a video because the commercial was catchy enough that it got my attention and really made me interested in the company.  Even if only 1-10 people have that affect from the commercial, I believe that that is a success for any company trying to get their name or product out to new customers.    

Do you disagree with me or feel as if companies should invest in YouTube advertisements?